Kadena’s Community-Powered Developer Documentation by Jeffrey Ou Kadena Feb, 2022

git clone https://github.com/kadena-community/docs.git

Change into the docs/ directory

cd docs

Run yarn to install the project dependencies.


Run yarn dev to run the local server.

yarn dev

Navigate to localhost:3000 to view the documentation on local device.

Open the docs folder in your favorite code editor to make changes to the documentation (example: docs > basics > what-is-kda.md). Use markdown to edit the page and save the file to view your changes.

When you are done editing, check the status of your changes from your terminal window.

git status

Use git add to add stage your changes to commit to your local repository.

git add .

Use git commit to commit your changes to your local repository.

git commit -m ‘how to edit docs’

Use git push to push your changes to your remote repository.

git push origin master

Select Contribute > Open pull request from within your remote repository.

You have now created a pull request to the repo from a local environment. The Kadena team will review your request and merge your changes as soon as possible. View your pull request at any time to see any comments, questions, or suggestions throughout the duration of your pull request.