Cardano Island Update: 30 September 2022 by Virtua Content Team Virtua Oct, 2022

Jawad: It’s going to see more and more features, the outside spaces which we’re going to put a lot of emphasis on. You’re going to see a lot of brand experiences launching on the island. You’ll see games experiences, you’ll be seeing stuff developed in conjunction with the Cardano projects that we’ve announced, you’ll see the Foundation stuff appear as well.

You’ll see lots of impact projects appearing, because we’ve said people will get land and facilities to use those. I just expect it to start maturing. Right now it’s very early, it’s baby steps — but then we’re going to start walking and we’re going to start running.

Ash: We’ve been speaking to a really exciting project that’s coming to Cardano from one of the biggest global names in fashion. That’s all going to be coming to this space. And we’re going to be working closely with them for their metaverse activations. They have a really forward-thinking team, native to Cardano. So that’s going to be really big as well.

So that will catapult the Cardano space. It’ll really be a great project for empowerment, inclusiveness, as large as anything that we’ve seen on other blockchains as well. So that’s going to be coming. And from that will be a whole fashion district. So yeah, lots on the brand side, lots and lots of areas. Excellent stuff.